Department of ECE, University of Cyprus (+357) 22892199


(1) Project Title: Exploration of Architectural Components Implementing Neuromorphic Computing Kernels — Formal Research Contract with Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum (IMEC) VZW, Belgium, and Stichting IMEC Nederland.

University of Cyprus Co-Principal Investigator (other Co-PI: Yiannakis Sazeides, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus)

Period: 01.2017 – 12.2020
Amount: No direct monetary compensation, but the contract includes access to IMEC facilities and technical expertise, M.Sc./Ph.D. student internships at IMEC, and M.Sc./Ph.D. co-advising between IMEC and UCY.
Description: Research collaboration with IMEC pertaining to novel new architectural components that can be used to efficiently and effectively implement neuromorphic computing kernels.

(2) Intel Hardware Accelerator Research Program
— Awarded by Intel Corporation, USA.

Co-Principal Investigator (with 4 other Co-PIs: T. Theocharides, M. Michael, Y. Sazeides, and P. Trancoso)

Started in 12.2016

Access to an Intel computer cluster containing state-of-the-art heterogeneous microprocessor systems combining Intel Xeon CPUs and Altera FPGAs, and incorporating Intel’s Accelerator Abstraction Layer Software. The program also provides our researchers access to a series of workshops to be held at Intel campuses.

(3) Project Title
: HARPA ( — European Union Framework 7 (FP7) STREP Research Program

University of Cyprus Co-Principal Investigators: Yiannakis Sazeides (Department of Computer Science) and Chrysostomos Nicopoulos (Department of ECE)

multiCAL collaborates with the Xi-Computer Architecture Group of the Department of Computer Science on Reliability and Fault-Tolerance issues.

Consortium Partners: POLIMI (Italy), IMEC (Belgium), ICCS (Greece), IT4Innovations (Czech Republic), THALES (France), HENESIS S.R.L. (Italy)
Period: 09.2013 – 12.2016
Amount: Approx. EUR 3,889,643 (of which approx. EUR 506,488 to University of Cyprus)
Funding Agency: European Union (Framework 7, FP7)
Description: HARPA is a 3-year STREP project that aims to provide architectures (both Embedded Systems (ES) and High Performance Computing (HPC)-oriented) with efficient mechanisms to offer performance dependability guarantees in the presence of unreliable time-dependent variations and aging throughout the lifetime of the system. The project is lead by POLIMI and the University of Cyprus is leading the Monitors, knobs, and models  work package, and also is contributing to the other work packages.

(4) Project Title
: EuroCloud ( — European Union Framework 7 (FP7) STREP Research Program

University of Cyprus Principal Investigator Name: Yiannakis Sazeides (Department of Computer Science), University of Cyprus
University of Cyprus Co-Investigator Name: Chrysostomos Nicopoulos, University of Cyprus

multiCAL collaborates with the Xi-Computer Architecture Group of the Department of Computer Science on Reliability and Fault-Tolerance issues.

Consortium Partners: Nokia Corp. (Finland), ARM Holdings (UK), EPFL (Switzerland), IMEC (Belgium)
Period: 01.2010 – 12.2012
Amount: Approx. EUR 3,292,000 (of which approx. EUR 498,418 to University of Cyprus)
Funding Agency: European Union (Framework 7, FP7)
Description: Eurocloud is a 3-year STREP project that aims to deliver a next generation energy-conscious 3D Server-on-Chip for Green Cloud Services. The project is lead by ARM and the consortium includes Nokia, IMEC, EPFL and UCY. The University of Cyprus is leading the Reliability and Fault Tolerance work-package and is contributing to the other work-packages: Physical Prototype, Workload Characterization, 3D Architecture Design and Power Management, and On-chip Hierarchies and Interconnect.

(5) Project Title
: Mnemosyne: An Intelligent On-Chip Network for the Cache/Memory Sub-System of Chip Multi-Processors

Principal Investigator Name: Chrysostomos Nicopoulos, University of Cyprus
Co-Investigators Names: Maria Michael (University of Cyprus), Yiannakis Sazeides (University of Cyprus), Vassos Soteriou (Cyprus University of Technology), Babak Falsafi (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL, Switzerland), Alexandros Patsalides (IBM Italia SpA, Cyprus Branch)
Period: 15.12.2010 – 14.12.2012
Amount: EUR 148,060 (of which EUR 101,440 to University of Cyprus)
Funding Agency: Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus
Description: The Mnemosyne project revolves around the on-chip interconnection backbone of future multi-/many-core microprocessors. More specifically, the project investigates the interaction of the Network-on-Chip (NoC) infrastructure with the cache hierarchy and the memory sub-system of large-scale Chip Multi-Processors (CMP). The ultimate goal is to transform the on-chip network’s passive (data transfer) behavior into active and intelligent (data transfer + processing) participation that can aid and enhance the functionality of the cache and memory sub-systems. This will be achieved through the augmentation of the NoC routers with sophisticated modules that can analyze streaming data. The aim is to improve overall system performance and reliability, while minimizing the associated area and power overhead.

(6) Collaboration with the KORUS Research Center
at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech), USA

multiCAL is actively collaborating with GA Tech on several projects including:

  • Load Distribution & Balancing in Many-Core CMPs
  • Next-Generation On-Chip Interconnection Architectures
  • Massively Parallel Processing Arrays in Heterogeneous CMPs
  • Emerging Memory Technologies (Phase-Change RAM)
  • Software-Assisted Cache Hierarchies for Future CMPs
  • GPGPU-based Acceleration of Multimedia-Immersive Applications
  • Architectural Support for Future Information/Communication/Media Convergence Systems

(7) Collaboration with the Cyprus University of Technology
, Limassol, Cyprus

multiCAL is actively collaborating with the Cyprus University of Technology on projects related to Network-on-Chip Fault Tolerance and Reliability.
For more information about these projects and other research initiatives within multiCAL, please contact the Lab Director, Dr. Chrysostomos Nicopoulos.

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